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العدد 1634 14 ربيع الأول 1446 هـ - الموافق 18 أيلول 2024 م

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من نحن




Readying in Support of the Guided One, Imam al-Mahdi (AEHR)1

تصغير الخط تكبير الخط أرسل لصديق

Year Nineteen
Issue No. 946 - 10/Sha'ban/1432 AH
Corresponding to July 12, 2011 AD

* Mihrab Platform:
Readying in Support of the Guided One, Imam al-Mahdi (AEHR)1

Mihrab Platform
Readying in Support of Imam al Mahdi (AEHR)

The main axes of the subject:

1- Trials during the occultation
2- Preserving the soul
3- Ethical behavior towards the redeemer (AEHR) during his occultation


The believers must learn how to strengthen their bond with the cogent Imam (a.s.)2, and address the trials and ordeals during the time of the greater occul-tation.

Exporting the subject:

Commander of the Faithful (a.s.) was quoted as saying: "The one awaiting our enjoinment is like the bleeding martyr in the way of Allah."3

Trials during the occultation:

We the Twelver Shia Muslim believers concede that Imam Mohammad Bin al Hassan al Askari, known as the cogent savior or Imam al Mahdi (AEHR) will occult twice:

1- The minor occultation, which extended from the time when his father (a.s.) was martyred in 260 AH.
2- The greater occultation, which began with the death of his fourth ambas-sador in 329 Ah, and will continue until Allah (The Exalted) gives permission for his blessed appearance, when he will fill the earth with equity and justice as it was filled with oppression and tyranny.

The transmitted hadith and quotations from the prophet and the inerrant imams of his household (a.s.) declared that this extended and prolonged pe-riod will be loaded with trials and ordeals as well as filled with calamities, mis-fortunes and problems.

Imam Abu Abdullah (a.s.) was quoted as saying: "I swear in Allah, you will be shattered like the glass, and that the glass will be restored to its initial form. I swear in Allah, you will be broken like the pottery, and that the pottery cannot be restored to its initial form. I swear in Allah, you will be distinguished. I swear in Allah, you will be tested. I swear in Allah, you will be sifted like siev-ing the tillers from the wheat."4

In the accounts, we can find that those who believe in the savior, awaiting his blessed emergence, will be subjected to shocks and ordeals that will break them like the breaking of the glass and pottery. Part of them will be corrupted beyond restoration due to the calamities on one hand, and due to negligence towards themselves on the other hand. Some will fall like the broken glass to rise again and realize their case once again. Others will fall like the broken pottery, unable to rise-up, reform and guide themselves again. Both, like the grains of wheat and tillers, are subject to sieving. The tillers will fall astray from the nation of reform and guidance, just like the tillers falling through the sieve. Some will be like the strong and useful wheat that cannot be vanished by storms or shaken by strikes, wearing clothes of faith, unrevealed by the re-vealing winds.

Preserving the soul

If this is the case of the people during the time of the occultation of the sav-ior (AEHR), when the people of righteousness and guidance are being in-creasingly besieged and the horizon of hoping in goodness is being totally blocked; what will be of the case of the prudent believer who will be definitely searching for the life rings that dangle from the mercy of the almighty aven-ger? What are the methods of security against this surging ocean?

a- Adhering to the way of piety:

Imam al Sadiq (a.s.) was quoted as describing the righteous guiders, who are the reason for the safety of human race, he said: "… Their religion is piety, chastity, trueness, righteousness, jurisprudence, giving back the trust to the good and bad, prostrating for long, spending the night in prayers, avoiding wrongdoings, patiently awaiting relief, showing good company and neighbor-hood.5

b- Knowing the leader of time, the cogent Imam

Zirarah Bin A'yun was quoted as saying: I asked Abu Abdullah (a.s.) about my duty if I was still alive during the time of the occultation. He said: O Zira-rah, if you reach that era, read this supplication: "O Allah, show me thyself, if you do not show me thyself I will not know your prophet. O Allah, show me thy messenger; if you do not show me thy messenger I will not know your author-ity. O Allah, show me thy authority, if you do not show me thy authority I will lose my religion."6

c- Awaiting relief:

Abu Basir and Mohammad Bin Moslem both quoted Abu Abdullah (a.s.) who quoted his fathers who quoted Commander of the Faithful (a.s.) as sayinig: "The one awaiting our enjoinment is like a swimmer in his blood in the way of Allah."7

Imam Abu Abdullah (a.s.) was quoted as saying: "We have a state which Al-lah can initiate if he wishes. And said again: Anyone who wishes to be one of the companions of the redeemer, he must be patient, act with piety and good morals while waiting. If he dies before the emergence of the savior, he will be rewarded equally like those who caught up with him. Therefore, work hard and wait. Good for you O forgiven company."8

Imam Abu al Hassan Al Ridha (a.s.), quoting his ancestors (a.s.), was quoted as saying: "Allah's messenger (s.a.a.w)9 said: The best deed of my nation is awaiting salvation from Allah (The Exalted)."10

Ethical behavior towards the redeemer (AEHR) during his occultation:

The book "Mikyal al Makarim" counts eighty assignments for the servants towards their leader during the time of occultation. Below is a summary of a number of these assignments:

"1- Identify his descriptions, ethics and characteristics as well as the inevita-ble signs for his noble emergence.
2- Be polite when mentioning him. Never utter his name. Instead, use his noble entitlements."
3- Love him and make people love him as well as demonstrate eagerness to meet him and to mention his merits and virtues. Show sadness for his disso-ciation, publish his merits, and spend money for the sake of this issue…
4- Persistence to read the pledge supplication and to pray for his comfort.
5- Visit the good people of his followers and partisans as well as bring joy to the hearts of the believers.
6- Visit and salute him.
7- Cultivate ourselves against evil characteristics as well as enrich them with good qualities.
8- Avoid timing and disavow the timers and those who claim his deputyship or proxy during the time of the greater occultation.
9- Follow him as a paradigm when practicing service and ethics.
10- Visit the graves of the prophet (s.a.a.w) and the Imams (a.s.) because they are his link.
11- Pay the rights of the others coupled with an obligation to guard the fron-tiers of Islam."11

1- AEHR: Allah expedite his rise.
2- (a.s.): Abbreviation for alaihis-salam, which means peace be upon him.
3- Kamal al Dunia wa Tamam al Ne'mah, Vol. 2, P. 465.
4- Ghaibat al No'amani, P. 207, chapter 12, H. 13. Also, Ghaibat al Sheikh al Tousi, P. 340, H. 289.
5- Al Khisal, by Sheikh al Sadouq, Vol. 2, P. 478-479, H. 46. Also Ouyoun al Akhbar, by the same author, P. 44-45, H. 20.
6- Ousoul al Kafi, by Sheikh Mohammad Bin Yacoub al Kolaini, Vol. 1, P. 377, chapter 138, H. 5. The same source, Vol. 2, P. 342-343, chapter 33, H. 24. It was also accounted by several trusted books.
7- Kamal al Dunia wa Tamam al Ne'mah, Vol. 2, P. 465, H. 6.
8- Al Ghaibah, by al No'mani, P. 200, chapter 11, H. 16.
9- (s.a.a.w): Abbreviation for salla allahu alaihi wa alihi, which means God sends blessing on him and his household.
10- Oyoun Akhbar al Ridha, Vol. 2, P. 36, chapter 31, H. 87. Also Kamal al Deen, Vol. 2, P. 644, chapter 55, H. 3.
11- Mikyal al Makarim Fee Fawaed al Dua'a Lil Qaem, by Mirza mohammad Taqi al Mousawi al Asfahani, Vol. 2, chapter 8, P. 104-428.

24-04-2012 | 04-43 د | 2729 قراءة

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