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Revering and Honoring Moslems (Word – Attitude – Action)

تصغير الخط تكبير الخط أرسل لصديق

Year Sixteen
Issue No. 922 - 20/Safar/1432 AH
Corresponding to January 25, 2011 AD

* Mihrab Platform:
Revering and Honoring Moslems (Word – Attitude – Action)

Mihrab Platform
Revering and Honoring Moslems (Word – Attitude – Action)

Main axes of the subject:

- Honoring mankind in general especially the Moslems. Special honors go to:
- The people who Unify Allah (The Exalted).
- The people who follow the Commander of the Faithful (a.s.)1.
- Special section of people with a particular method of honoring.


Allah (The Exalted) honored man and favored him regarding all other creatures of this universe. Moreover, he made everything subjected to him in order to provide the basis of the aim of the creatures.

Exporting the Subject:

Allah (The Exalted) said, "We have honored the sons of Adam; provided them with transport on land and sea; given them for sustenance things good and pure; and conferred on them special favors, above a great part of our creation."2

Allah (The Exalted) honored all human beings but, there is a special group of people whose respect was enacted by Allah (The Exalted) as a major duty because they were given the honor of preference that outweighs mankind in general. The Prophetic Hadith stated that: "There is no honor that is greater than Islam."

The Prophet (s.a.a.w)3 was quoted as saying: "The people who know Allah better and are mostly supportive in the way of Allah are those who mostly respect and sanctify the People who unify Allah (The Exalted)."4
Abu Abdullah (a.s.) was quoted as saying:

"Anyone who honors his visiting Moslem brother is in fact honoring Allah (The Exalted)."5

- Anyone who honors a Moslem is in fact honoring Allah (The Exalted):

Abu Abdullah was quoted as saying:

"Anyone who honors one of our followers is in fact honoring Allah firstly; his messenger secondly, and is bringing joy into our hearts."6

The prophet (s.a.a.w) was quoted as saying, "Anyone who honors his brother is in fact honoring Allah."7

Imam al Ridha (a.s.) quoted his father Imam Moussa bin Jaafar (a.s.) saying: "Imam al Sadiq wrote to a number of his companions saying, "If you want your life to be concluded with your best deeds you must magnify Allah's right, never spend his bounties by disobeying him, never be lured by his leniency towards you, honor anyone who mentions us or shows love towards us, and you do not have to probe his honesty or dishonesty; You can only believe him, and if he was lying he would be lying to himself."8

We deduce from the aforementioned that honoring the believer goes to:

1- Anyone who belongs to the nation that unifies Allah (The Exalted), anyone who belongs to the Moslems.
2- Anyone who belongs to the nation that follows Ali Bin Abi Talib and the inerrant Imams from his children (PBUT).

He who honors these two kinds of people would be honoring himself based on:

1- The fact of Islam regardless of the honesty or dishonesty of the honored.
2- The fact of faith regardless of the honesty or dishonesty of the honored.

The logic of the aforementioned statements tells us that honoring the Moslem and the believer based on their appearances is in fact honoring:

1- Allah (The Exalted).
2- The prophet (s.a.a.w).
3- The inerrant Imams (PBUT).

- Sections of the society that must receive special honors:

It is true that honoring the Moslem is due to Islam and honoring the believer is due to faith. However, Allah (The Exalted) ordered us to give special honors to special sections of the community, which must receive attention due to certain particularities that they hold apart of the rest of the community. Some of these sections are:

1- The poor:

The prophet (s.a.a.w) was quoted as saying: "Anyone who honors a poor Moslem will meet Allah (The Exalted) on the day of judgment to receive his satisfaction."9

2- The elderly:

The prophet (s.a.a.w) was quoted as saying: "When a young man honors and elderly Allah will send someone to honor him when he becomes old."10

The prophet (s.a.a.w) was also quoted as saying: "An elderly within his family is like a prophet within his nation."11

3- The Orphan:

The prophet (s.a.a.w) was quoted as saying: "Honor the orphan and be good to your neighbor."12

4- The Children:

The prophet (s.a.a.w) was quoted as saying: "Honor thy children and show them kindness when educating them."13

It is noteworthy to say that the mentioned groups here took special attention by the prophetic speeches because they are the vulnerable sections; and honoring and magnifying them is rare.

There are other groups that must be honored. They are the ones that receive the most honoring and revering by the wise people of the society. These are the just ruler, the scholar and other similar people.

How do we honor?

1- Honoring by words:

The prophet (s.a.a.w) was quoted as saying: "Anyone who honors a Moslem by a word that eases his tension and removes his grieve will live under Allah's extended shade of descending mercy."14

How do we honor others?

We can honor the others by:

1- Kind words:

The prophet (s.a.a.w) was quoted as saying: “Anyone who honors a Moslem with a kind word that can ease his distress will be shaded by Allah’s mercy…”15

2- Embracing the poor and fighting poverty:

Allah’s messenger (s.a.a.w) was quoted as saying: “Anyone who accommodates an orphan, feeds and dress him without reproaching or hitting him, his services will be accepted.”16

3- Support and removing wrongness:

The prophet (s.a.a.w) was quoted as saying: “He, who knows Allah best and gives the utmost support in the way of Allah, is the one that mostly revere and sanctify the nation that unifies Allah (The Exalted)17.

4- Good company:

The prophet (s.a.a.w) was quoted as saying: “He who believes in Allah and the Day of Judgment must honor his companion.”18

5- Good reception and hospitality towards a visitor:

The prophet (s.a.a.w) was quoted as saying: “If you receive a visitor honor him.”19

Another quote: “Anyone seeking help from another without begging or fearing him will bring redemption.”20

There are numerous conformations and different behaviors that can render the wise people agree with the holy lawmaker in doing the above mentioned acts and which are considered part of the social tradition and culture that mirror the kinds of honoring.

1- (a.s.): Abbreviation for alaihis-salam, which means peace be upon him.
2- Holy Quran, the Night Journey, verse 70.
3- (s.a.a.w): Abbreviation for salla allahu alaihi wa alihi, which means God sends blessing on him and his household.
4- Mustadrak al Wasael, Vol. 12, P. 421.
5- Al Kafi, by al Kulaini, Vol. 2, P. 206.
6- Makarim al Akhlaq, by al Tabarsi, P. 420.
7- Kanz al Ummal, Hadith 254882.
8- Oyoun Akhbar al Ridha, by al Sadouk, Vo. 2, P. 824.
9- Man La Yahdoroho al Fakih, Vol. 4, P. 13.
10- Moshkat al Anwar, by Al Tabarsi, P. 293.
11- Rawdat al Waezeen, P. 476.
12- Musnad Ahmad Bin Hanbal, Vol. 5, P. 281, H. 15560.
13- Sunan Ibn Maja, H. 3671.
14- Al Kafi, by Al Kolaini, Vol. 2, P. 206.
15- Al Kafi, by al Kolaini, Vol. 2, P. 206.
16- Mishkat al Anwar, P. 291.
17- Mostadrak al Sawael, by al Mohadeth al Nour, Vol. 12, P. 421.
18- Kanz al Oumal, H. 25490.
19- Mizan el Hikmah, by al Reshari, Vol. 9, P. 3566.
20- Same source, H. 17599.

24-04-2012 | 04-44 د | 3938 قراءة

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