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The Nations Regulation (Imam al Askari (a.s.), an Example)

تصغير الخط تكبير الخط أرسل لصديق

Year Sixteen
Issue No. 929 - 11/Rabei-2/1432 AH
Corresponding to March 15, 2011 AD

* Mihrab Platform:
The Nation's Regulation (Imam al Askari (a.s.), an Example)

Mihrab Platform

The Nation's Regulation (Imam al Askari (a.s.), an Example

The main axes of the subject:
Regulation is the law of the creation
Justice is the world’s straightness
However, which doctrine is needed?
The unity of the divine doctrines
Recommending regulation
Imam al Askari and regulating the Shia affairs

Exporting the Subject:

Commander of the faithful (a.s.) was quoted as saying: "The world is a garden with the doctrine as its fence. The doctrine is an authority that must be obeyed. The political obedience must be administered by the ruler. The ruler is a shepherd that must be assisted by the army. The army is made of assistants who are sponsored by money. Money is a living that the subjects collect…"1

Regulation is the law of the creation

Allah (the Exalted) created a law of regulation for the creation and universe in accordance with the laws of the court and the creative systems. Like he created a strain of each category of the creation, similarly, he created the general life as well as the individual life in accordance with a group of doctrines and regulations that will make the community and equally the individual feel organized with harmony.

Apart from talking about the government – any government – and its form, nature and quality, apart from talking about the Imam, the ruler, or the president coupled with the nature of his behavior, morals, authorities, and role in executing the verdicts, laws and rules; apart from all the aforementioned, we can find that a number of the divine doctrines represent a systematic framework that contributes to the partitioning of times, building relations, dealing with all kinds of transactions, defining the rights and duties, dedicating a number of values and positive traditions, and facing the personal and social disputes that might arise in the community as a result of certain tendencies and negative desires, which can only divert the individuals and groups from the straight path.

Doctrine is the world’s fence

What are the doctrines, rules and laws that can help take the community and the individual to the anticipated and possible perfection? To answer this question, commander of the faithful (a.s.) was quoted as saying words that quench one's satisfaction. They read: "The world is a garden with the doctrine as its fence. The doctrine is an authority that must be obeyed. The political obedience must be administered by the ruler. The ruler is a shepherd that must be assisted by the army. The army is made of assistants who are sponsored by money. Money is a living that the subjects collect..."2

Justice is the world’s straightness

Now we can see that justice is an aim without which the community and the individual cannot reach their aims and aspirations. We learn that the doctrine and regulations are an obligatory method that can lead everyone to justice.

We – consequently – can understand that – the true sultan – especially in our present world – must obeyed by us and that we must follow his method, which is the doctrine that provides the sultan with legitimacy. This means that the ruler must perform his duty and provide the rights to the citizens, which cannot be achieved without the citizens' commitment to obedience.

- Commander of the faithful (a.s.) was quoted as saying: "Doctrine is the righteousness of the creation."3

However, which doctrine is needed?

Allah (the Exalted) said: "…To each of you We prescribed a law and a method…"4 This issue applies to the apostles (a.s.) as well as to the nations who do not believe in the prophets. It also applies to the nations and communities of our present time. Hence, we can find that each country has its own regulations, systems and laws regarding the different aspects of life. We can also find that most of these regulations agree to most of the basics and broad lines. Therefore, what is the doctrine that we must follow and which makes us believe that our community will be organized regarding most of its affairs based on the fundamentals of that doctrine?

Allah's messenger (s.a.a.w.) was quoted as saying: "The doctrine is my sayings; the method is my actions; the truth is my conditions; knowledge is my capital; mind is the origin of my religion; love is my basis; desire is my boat; conviction is my treasure; honesty is my home; certainty is my shelter; poverty is my pride about which I will brag in front of the rest of the prophets and messengers."5

The unity of the divine doctrines

The aforementioned does not mean that the prophet (s.a.a.w.) instructed us with a doctrine and regulations that will supersede all the advanced messengers and prophets. Instead, his doctrine in fact includes the basics of all of those doctrines. Allah (the Exalted) said: "He has ordained for you of religion what He enjoined upon Noah and that which We have revealed to you, [O Muhammad], and what We enjoined upon Abraham and Moses and Jesus –"6

- Imam al Sadiq (a.s.) was quoted as saying: "Allah (the Exalted) gave Muhammad (s.a.a.w.) the doctrines of Noah, Abraham, Moses and Jesus."7
The issue that confirms that the source of all doctrines and regulations – the principles of the doctrines – is one was the speech of Imam Zein al Abideen (a.s.) who, when asked about all the doctrines of religion, was quoted as saying: "Speaking the truth, ruling with justice and loyalty to the pledge."8

Commander of the faithful (a.s.) was quoted as saying: “Yes the doctrines of the religion are one and its ways are apostolic; therefore, he who adopts them will succeed and triumph and he who desists from them will go astray and become sorrowful.”9

Recommending regulation

In a commandment of commander of the faithful (a.s.) to his sons Hassan and Husayn (a.s.) at the time when he was stricken by Ibn Moljam (God’s cursed): “I command you and all my sons and household and anyone who receives my book to be pious and to regulate your affairs.”10

The question is: Do you think that he (a.s.) regarded the regulation of affairs as a marginal or exceptional, important and sensitive matter that was also commanded by his Prophet (s.a.a.w.) while he (a.s.) commanded it to his household and anyone who receives this book and delivers it to others, and we are one of them?

With Imam al Hassan al Askari (a.s.) as he regulated the affairs of his Shia during most critical conditions:

Imam al Askari (a.s.) commanded Abul Hassan Ali Bin al Hussein al Qummi, known as the first Saddouq, the father of Sheikh al Saddouq, as well as commanded the followers (Shia) of the Imam in general, with a number of attributes and tasks that will help regulate the affairs of the communion to the most possible ways. Some of these recommendations are:

1- Piety, holding prayers and almsgiving tax
2- Forgiving the guilt (of those around you) as well as containing wrath
3- Family ties, consoling the brothers as well as helping with their needs in bad and good times.
4- Patience during ignorance, learning religion, and corroborating the matters.
5- Commitment to Quran, good manners, enjoining what is right and forbidding what is wrong.
6- Avoiding all kinds of wrongdoings
7- Praying at night
8- Patience and waiting for the dispeller.”

Therefore, act according to my commandment, and command my Shia with my commandment in order to work accordingly.

1- Bihar al Anwar, by scholar al Majlisi, Vol. 78, P. 83, H. 87
2- Same previous source
3- Ghorar al Hikam wa Dorar al Kalam, by al Qadi al A'midi, H. 698
4- The Holy Quran, Surat Al-Mā'idah (The Table Spread), verse 48
5- Mustadrak al Wasa'el, by narrator al Nouri, Vol. 1, P. 173, H. 12672
6- The holy Quran, Surat Ash-Shūraá (The Consultation), verse 13.
7- Al Kafi, by Muhammad Bin Yacoub al Kulaini, Vol. 2, P. 17, H. 1
8- Al Khisal, by Sheikh al Saddouq, P. 113, H. 90
9- Nahjul Balagha, sermon 120.
10- Nahjul Balagha, book 47.
11- Shu’ab al Eiman, Vol. 2, P. 43, H. 1134, in summary

24-01-2013 | 02-54 د | 2779 قراءة

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