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من نحن




Al Zahraa (a.s.), the Prophet’s Kawthar (s.a.a.w.)

تصغير الخط تكبير الخط أرسل لصديق

Year Sixteen
Issue No. 930 - 13/Jamadah-2/1432 AH
Corresponding to May 17, 2011 AD

* Mihrab Platform:
Al Zahraa (a.s.), the Prophet’s Kawthar (s.a.a.w.)

Mihrab Platform
Al Zahraa (a.s.), the Prophet’s Kawthar1 (s.a.a.w.)

The main axes of the subject:
1- The Prophet's comfort
2- Al Kawthar is very Fatima.
3- Al Kawthar also means the scholars of the nation.
4- The children of the prophet are the children of Fatima.
5- Fatima, the intercessor of the loyalists.


We will explain how al Kawthar in Surat al Kawthar is very Fatima (a.s.), and that the progeny of Allah's messenger (s.a.a.w.) are her children. We will also explain part of her stature on the Day of Judgment.

Exporting the subject:

Fatima the greatest was quoted as saying: Allah's messenger (s.a.a.w.) said: "Each mother’s children belong to their paternal origin except the children of Fatima; I am their father and their paternal origin."2

Al Zahraa (a.s.), the comfort of the prophet (s.a.a.w.):

The book "Majma'a al Bayan" stated that Ala's bin Wa’el saw Allah's messenger (s.a.a.w.) exiting the mosque. They met at a door named Bani Sahm and spoke while valiant men from Quraish sat inside the mosque. When Ala's entered, someone asked him: who were you talking with? He said: that Abtar (sonless). The prophet (s.a.a.w.) had just returned from the funeral of his last male child who died after the death of two other sons before him. Hence, the prophet (s.a.a.w.) became without any male children.3

His male children were: al Qassim and al Tahir who came from their faithful mother Khadijah while Ibrahim came from Maria al Qubtiya. Abtar means: deprived from welfare or deprived from sons.

Consequently, the words of Ala's bin Wa’el struck harshly the heart of the prophet (s.a.a.w.), which increased his sadness. After that incident, Allah (The Exalted) revealed to the prophet Surat al Kawthar, which came as a sharp reply to that essay and as a comfort for the heart of the prophet (s.a.a.w.). This Surah of the Quran was a good omen that came down onto the heart of the chosen (s.a.a.w.). Al Kawthar is the name of a heavenly river and it means a great deal of blessings.

Al Kawthar is very Fatima (a.s.):

There are several meanings of the word Kawthar. Some authors said that there were "fifteen meanings and that they all end into a great deal of blessings."4

Author al Fakhr al Razi considered that al Kawthar was a corroboration of the prophet's children. For instance, "This surah was revealed as a reply to those who defamed him for not having sons. The meaning explains that he will be given descendants throughout the ages. Look to the large number of the household members who were murdered, yet the world is full of them. None of the sons of Umayyah remained in this world to be cared for by others. Besides, look how they include great scholars such as al Baqir, al Sadiq, and al Rida (peace be upon all of them) plus others.5

This means that Allah (The Exalted) gave his reply out of detestation wording how can the prophet (s.a.a.w.) be Abtar (sonless), knowing he was given Fatima, whose progeny included all these stars that guide the nations!

Al Kawthar also means the scholars of the nation:

Author al Fakhr al Razi mentioned as well that al Kawthar held other corroborations, "Scholars of the nation of the prophet (s.a.a.w.), which indicates a great deal of goodness. This is because the scholars are like the prophets of the children of Israel. They celebrate the name of Allah's messenger (s.a.a.w.) and spread the tracks of his religion and the signs of his doctrine.6

A number of his Hadith stated that "The scholars of my nation are better than the prophets of the children of Israel."7

They are better than the prophets of the children of Israel because they have a better knowledge of the complete Sharia and the conclusion. However, it is necessary for this knowledge to be a correct understanding of the Sharia and the scholar and that which renders this world righteous. This knowledge can only be borne by the Imams from the children of Fatima (s.a.a.w.).

The Hadith stated that the commander of the faithful said: "The knowledge which Adam brought down coupled with all (the preferred knowledge) of the prophets ended with the descendants of Muhammad (s.a.a.w.)."8

There is also another Hadith in which Imam al Baqir (a.s.) was quoted as saying to Salamah bin Kuheil and al Hakam bin Utaibah, "Go east and go west, you will not find a true knowledge but that which comes out of us the household."9

The sons of the prophet are the sons of Fatima:

Someone might say that male descendants derive from their fathers or grandfathers, whereas female descendants derive from the husbands of their mothers or their fathers in law.

Therefore, how can we prove that the sons of Fatima (a.s.) and her progeny are the sons of the prophet (s.a.a.w.), though she is his daughter?

Nevertheless, the prophet (s.a.a.w.) challenged this rule in many occasions. For instance, in addition to his famous Hadith – or rather the successive quotations – from him that read, “these two – al Hassan and al Husayn – are my sons, or these two sons of mine are guides (imam) whether at peace or at war,” there are other several Hadiths that corroborate this truth.

For example, Fatima Bint al Hussein quoted greater Fatima as saying: "Allah's messenger (s.a.a.w.) said: All the sons of their mothers belong to their paternal origin except the sons of Fatima, I am their father and their paternal origin."10

In addition, Al Sha'abi mentioned that al Hajjaj Bin Yusuf sent back Said Bin Jubeir, cuffed his hands and legs and brought a sword and leather rug and said to him: This old man says that al Hassan and al Husayn were the two sons of Allah's messenger (s.a.a.w.). If he does not bring me proof from the Quran I will strike his neck.

Hence, Said recited: "Allah protect us from the evil one, the rejected. In the name of Allah, Most Gracious Most Merciful, We gave him Isaac and Jacob: all (three) guided: and before him, We guided Noah, and among his progeny, David, Solomon, Job, Joseph, Moses, and Aaron: thus do We reward those who do good."11

So he was silenced and said to al Hajjaj: continue, and he recited: "And Zakariah and John, and Jesus and Elias: all in the ranks of the righteous."12 Therefore, Said asked: How can Jesus fit here? He replied: he was from his progeny.

He said: If Jesus derived from Abraham's ancestry without having a father but being the son of his daughter, though his ancestry was tracked back to him and his descendents, why Hassan and Husayn shouldn't have the priority to be tracked back to Allah's messenger (s.a.a.w.), knowing also that they are very close to him?"13

Fatima, the intercessor of the loyalists:

Al Fakhr al Razi mentioned that part of al Kawthar's corroborations is "The station of praise and glory, which is the intercession. He added and in this world: ‘But God was not going to send them a penalty whilst thou was amongst them…’14 He added: ‘… and in the Hereafter:’ My intercession is for the great sinners of my nation."15

The Hadith also narrates that Imam al Rida (a.s.) quoted all is fathers (a.s.) as saying: Allah's messenger (s.a.a.w.) said: "Allah becomes angry when Fatima is angered and he is pleased when she is pleased."16

In a report of Ibn Abbas, quoting the commander of the faithful who quoted Allah's messenger (s.a.a.w.) as saying about the stature of Fatima on the Day of Judgment: “… Gabriel says then: O Fatima, ask your need! She says: O lord, my loyalists. Allah says: I forgave them. She says: O lord, my son's loyalists. Allah says: I forgave them. She says: O lord, the loyalists of my loyalists. Allah says: advance forward, those who seek our protection will be with you in heaven. At that point, all the creatures will wish that they were Fatimists."17

1- Al Kawthar is a heavenly.
2- Bihar al Anwar, Vol. 43, P. 228, H. 1.
3- Majma'a al Bayan fi Tafsir al Quran, by al Tabarsi, Vol. 10, P. 549.
4- Al Tafsir al Kabir, by al Fakhr al Razi, Vol. 11, P. 307-322.
5- Al Tafsir al Kabir, Vol. 11, P. 313.
6- Al Tafsir al Kabir, Vol. 11, P. 313
7- Tahrir al Ahkam al Shar’eyah, by scholar al Hilli, Vol. 1, P. 38. Also Awali al La'ali, by Ibn Abi Jam-hour al Ahsa’ei, Vol. 4, P. 640.
8- Al Ershad, by Sheikh al Mufid, Vol. 1, P. 232.
9- Bihar al Anwar, by al Majlisi, Vol. 2, P. 92, H. 20.
10- Bihar al Anwar, Vol. 43, P. 228, H. 1.
11- Holy Quran: Surat al Ana'm, verses 84.
12- Holy Quran: Surat al Ana'm, verses 85.
13- Bihar al Anwar, Vol. 43, P. 228-229.
14- Holy Quran: Surat al Anfal, verses 33.
15- Al Tafsir al Kabir, Vol. 11, P. 316.
16- Al Bihar, Vol. 43, P. 19, H. 3, transcribed from al Khisal book.
17- Tafsir Furat al Kufi, Vol. 2, P. 445-446, H. 587.

24-04-2012 | 04-30 د | 2809 قراءة

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